Gerard O’Donovan in his article “What is Coaching” defines it in the following way:

“Coaching is a process that helps you function at the highest possible level through the individual and personal assistance of a professional who provokes, stimulates and pushes you to grow” (O’Donovan).

The benefits of coaching are usually related to goals, but often exceed expectations. In a study of 100 executive coaches in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions on coaching results and ROI showed over 500% return on investment and improvement in direct:
  • Productivity by 53%
  • Quality with 48%
  • Organizational strength with 48%
  • Customer service by 39%
  • Cost reduction by 23%
And not directly on indicators such as
  • Relationship improved by 77%
  • Stakeholder relations improved by 71%
  • 67% improvement in team performance
  • Improved satisfaction by 61%
  • 52% reduction in conflicts
  • Increase engagement with the organization. с 44%
(McGovern, John.; Lindermann, M. at all)

Executive Coaching

Executive coaching, as defined by ICF, is a process in which a coach partners with clients to provoke and support reflection and creativity in order to inspire and help them maximize their personal and professional potential. This means that executive coaching is not limited to the professional sphere of success, but also focuses on the growth and development of senior management leaders in the organization who have a track record of achievement and aim to make the most of their potential.

Coaching of leaders

Coaching leaders aims to develop their authentic leadership style by increasing self-awareness and linking action to approach in certain situations, as defined by Graham Lee in 2003. This type of coaching can be directed at managers at all levels, including senior management, but its main purpose is related to the achievement of specific goals or leadership qualities in the context of the organization. Executive coaching works with people who have already achieved some success and are looking to make the most of their potential. In the case of coaching leaders, it is assumed that managers can be from any level of the organization, including middle and executive managers. The focus of this type of coaching is on achieving specific goals, competency development, conflict management, motivation, interpersonal relationships and other aspects that are related to the company environment.

Team coaching

Team coaching, as defined by Clutterber in Coaching the Team at Work 2: The definitive guide to Team Coaching, is partnering with the entire team to raise awareness and build better connections across the team’s internal and external systems, improving the team’s ability to address challenges in the present and future. The team coach focuses on increasing the capacity of the team in the long term and helps them to create value together with all stakeholders. The primary goal of the team coach is to prepare the team to continue to perform at a good level after the coaching is complete.

Business coaching

Business coaching, as defined by the World Association of Business Coaches (WABC), aims to improve the awareness and behaviour of the client and their organisation by helping them understand their role in achieving business success. This kind of
Coaching can include both individual and team coaching, with goals ranging from problem solving and career planning to leadership development and team building. The term “business coaching” encompasses all types of coaching in business and organizational contexts, and can be performed by both internal and external coaches, including executive coaches, leadership coaches, organizational development coaches, and others. The focus of this type of coaching is on the client and the organisation, which are at the heart of the process.