Whether online stores come into scope in the context of NIS 2 Directive?

During our two-day intensive seminar on “NIS 2: Strategies for Effective Compliance” for managers and executives, we commented on an interesting case study on “whether online stores come into scope in the context of Directive 2022/2555?”.   ANNEX II, OTHER CRITICAL SECTORS Point 6.  Digital providers (Providers of online marketplaces) Article 6 Definitions (28) defines: ‘online marketplace’ means […]

How to craft an insider threat?

It doesn’t require a lot of effort to achieve it and the below story is an example of how simple things from real life can catalyze it in an unexpected way.   Step 1. We need a bad time manager skill and a host I had a scheduled meeting in an organization as a client. […]

Whaling / Big Phishing

Of course it is a metaphorical whaling operation, which in reality is the whole operation of designing, preparing and carrying out an attack on a person of high social standard (CEO of a corporation, senior manager, prominent public or simply wealthy person) who has control of a large corporate, property or monetary resource. A wailing […]

Marry Hackmas and Happy NoBreach

When is a business most vulnerable in terms of cyber security and when are cyber attacks most effective? This is a question with many and comprehensive answers. As a co-author and co-owner of a service and a mobile app, I’ve always thought that the moment when someone will play with the service without permission in […]